Where to find bold colour inspiration

by | Apr 6, 2024 | Creative Tips | 6 comments

This is the second post in my series about BOLD COLOUR (the first was one is about “The Power of Bold Colours” – read the first one read it here).

Today, let’s see where to find bold colour inspiration, shall we?

Nature’s Colour Palette

Ahhh, Mother Nature – the original artist with the ultimate paintbrush!!!

Imagine walking through a sun-drenched meadow, where the golden hues of wheat mingle with the soft pinks of wildflowers. Or picture yourself standing at the edge of a serene lake, mesmerised by the deep greens of surrounding forests mirrored in its tranquil blue waters. From the rich oranges of autumn leaves to the brilliant purples of blooming lavender fields, nature’s palette offers endless possibilities for inspiration!

So, the next time you’re feeling stuck in a colour rut, simply step outside and let Mother Nature be your muse. Trust me, she never disappoints πŸ˜‰

I love this colourful tree in my garden! I was so surprised to find this combination of orange, purple and green… Doesn’t it make for a beautiful colour combination?

Here are a few more colourful flowers from my garden! The previous owners planted them and I am so grateful because I keep on finding suprises πŸ™‚
If you have a garden but no flowers, plant some!! Seeds are so cheap and all this colour will inspire you… Feel free to use the images below as references πŸ™‚

Wanderlust Adventures

Who says inspiration has to stay put? Take your imagination on a grand adventure and let the bold colours of far-off lands spark your creativity. Whether you’re exploring the bustling streets of a vibrant city or getting lost in the serene beauty of a tropical paradise, travel is like a passport to a world of bold colour inspiration. So pack your bags, hit the road, and let those colourful adventures fuel your artistic fire!

The photo and video below were inspired by a gorgeous little beach we stumbled accross on our big trip around Autralia. It is called Clairview Beach in Queensland. You can see on the video how it inspired me, and how I adapted it to make it more my own. And yes, it is a lot more colourful than in real life!!! foot-in-mouth

Bold colour inspiration from a trip to Clairview Beach MIMI BONDI

Here are few more photos that inspire me from my travels around OZ…
Feel free to use them as reference for painting if they inspire you too πŸ˜‰

Copyright MIMI BONDI
Copyright MIMI BONDI
Katherine Hots Springs Australia Copyright MIIMI BONDI

Life’s ColoUrful Moments

Sometimes, the best inspiration comes from the everyday moments that make life so colourful. Think back to your favourite memories – the ones that make you smile from ear to ear. Maybe it’s the bold red of your grandma’s lipstick or the vibrant yellow of a summer sunflower. Or maybe it’s the electric blue of your favorite childhood blanket or the rich green of your secret hideaway in the woods. Whatever it is, those personal experiences are like a treasure trove of bold colour inspiration, just waiting to be unleashed onto canvas.

One of those colourful memories for me would have to be my husband Pete’s 30th birthday! I was super excited and wanted to make it special for him, especially as he isn’t too fussed about celebrating – men, right? πŸ˜‰ And so I set out to make him a rainbow cake – my first time! I was anxious for it to come out right especially as he was going to cut it in front of the rest of the family!

I covered it in a fairly unexciting colour scheme of white and light blue… That’s right, just a cake with nothing interest going on ladies and gentlemen…

And then I held my breath as he started cutting through (there was no way to see how it looked until that moment)… Pulled the first slice out slow and lifted it up to everyone’s ”oohhs’ and ‘ahhhs’ πŸ™‚ I was jumping for joy, so happy it had all worked out as planned and the cake looked beautiful! Ahhh… Life’s small glory moments πŸ™‚

Rainbow cake and rainbow cushions MIMI BONDI

Other artists!!

What would we do without other artists around us at all time (praise the internet!!)?? There is soooooo much bold colour inspiration out there that I must confess, it gets overwhelming!

I won’t put any images here for copyright reasons but feel free to take a look at my Pinterest account – it is overflowing with bold colour inspiration – from all kinds of sources: art journal pages, painted houses, flowers, artist studios and so much more!

My brain often gets all jumbled up by all the inspiration I get!

Mimi Bondi bold colour inspiration on Pinterest

and finally… my art I hope!

For as long as I can remember, I have been using bold colours in my art.
Sometimes, I try to keep it calm and subdued but then I think “I’ll just add a LITTLE colour”, just to make it feel more alive and… Before you know it the whole thing is ALIVE LOL

Here are a few examples below but I think you will notice this throughout my whole website!! I’m in a particularly colourful playful mood at the moment and have lots of new paintings available (including some cheeky animals) – check them out here πŸ˜‰

Colourful art by MIMI BONDI

These are only a handful of suggestions but… There you have it – a little tour of someΒ  colourful sources of inspiration. Whether you’re soaking up the beauty of nature, jet-setting off on exciting adventures, or reminiscing about life’s most vibrant moments, there’s no shortage of bold colour inspiration just waiting to be brought to life in your artwork. So go ahead, let your imagination run wild and paint the world in all its bold and beautiful glory!

What is your favourite source of inspiration for your paintings? Please let me know below – it may help me and others too πŸ™‚

In my next blog post, I’ll talk a little about overcoming challenges when using bold colours – read it here!

x mimi bondi
PS: Blog posts take a lot of work to create – your feedback and comments are truly what makes the hard work worthwhile πŸ™‚


  1. Loved this Mimi, your amazing art, your beautiful energy and how you so generously support us all in our creative journeys no matter what stage we are at.

    Just about all my mixed media were influenced from your videos and books etc.

    Have been following you for years – so happy to see you are living your best life.

    hugs and love always
    Lynne from Australia

    • Mimi Bondi

      Lynne, oh my god, this means A LOT!!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your beautiful words β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ mimi

  2. This was a brilliant post. I love the paintings you’ve done lately, I love your work anyway, but these bright colours, wow!

    It’s interesting how you see something the β€œmimi-fy” it!

    Your art makes the world a better place!

    Cheryl Turtlemoon

    • Mimi Bondi

      Ahhhh Thank you lovely Lady Turtlemoon πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I’m so glad to hear your feedback on my latest paintings as I am trying hard to improve. The term ‘mimi-fying’ has been thrown around for years, so funny you mentioned it! xx mimi

  3. Hi Mimi, you are such an inspiration. I love your paintings, your stories.
    I love all colours but when I paint with bold bright colours the comments I receive from people who see the paintings are usually much β€˜more’, much β€˜deeper’, much more β€˜lively’. It seems that colours are truely β€˜felt’ in a different way. I hope that makes sense.

    Recently I painted a pebble scene…just pebbles…the pebbles were built up using different purples + magenta.
    It bought tears to a friends eyes. She said the painting β€˜pops’ in so many ways that she could never forget it. She is an honest judge and wasn’t just being kind.
    Like you, I believe rich, bright colour has the power to reach peoples emotions…

    • Mimi Bondi

      Hi Kate, thank you, you are so sweet!! What amazing feedback to receive about your colourful paintings… It’s so hard to get people’s attention these days, and it’s so easy to get ‘numbed’ in our society, that if you can manage to reach into someone’s heart then that says a lot about the power of your art πŸ™‚

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder β™₯ Author β™₯ Designer β™₯ TeacherΒ 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating πŸ™‚

Mimi Bondi PETA Member - Protect our beautiful animals!




The BREATHE Collection

The BREATHE Collection

The BREATHE Collection is a series of mixed media paintings all about taking a moment to breathe and appreciate the wonder around us!

Art Bundle for Good 9 Welcome!

Art Bundle for Good 9 Welcome!

Thank you SO MUCH for being part of the Art Bundle for Good 2023, I am so excited to be part of it, and to have you here πŸ™‚