Mixed Media Art Tags Flip Through (ST61)

by | Nov 26, 2017 | Blog - Tutorials | 6 comments

16 art tags flip through video with close ups!

My little collection of art tags is growing quite steadily and since many of you have asked me to do an art tags flip through…
Here is the first one!
As you will notice, I paint on both sides of my shipping tags because… Well, why not?
Most artists love threading pretty ribbons and hand dyed fabrics through the top hole and although I really love that style, I just can’t waste all that empty space waiting to be painted!! Yes, I do paint anything I can get my hands on πŸ˜‰
So… Both sides it is for me and I then thread all my art tags onto a binder ring, which forms a little portfolio I love to look through just for fun!

In this video, I am showing you 16 art tags (or 8 double sided tags!) up close and personal… I hope you will let me know which one is your favourite with a comment at the bottom of this page!

All art supplies I use are sold in my Mixed Media Store right here – come and take a peek πŸ˜‰ But if you want to get some shipping tags right now, here is the direct link so you don’t have to search…

With love and sunshine,
Mimi Bondi

Want to learn mixed media effortlessly?

My workshops show you absolutely everything, from start to finish so you can learn & build confidence in your art!

Mimi Bondi Mixed Media Workshops

BOOKS to tear up and use in your own art!

Use my collage paper books (full pages and elements) for inspiration and for collage fun in your own art!

New Secret Stash collage books-Coffee Grunge & Collage Party MIMI BONDI


  1. The pineapple oneβ€”β€” but there are others I like tooβ€”-big leaves! They are all so pretty! Wish I could learn to do this!

  2. So much shimmery, colorful goodness! I especially loved #5, 6, 8, and 10 (in the order you first showed them).

    • Mimi Moret

      Yes, shimmer and colour is my kind of happiness Heather πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for letting me know your favourites! xx

  3. Hello Summer pineapple was my favorite….. these were all awesome and made me ache to create!!!

    • Mimi Moret

      I love that one too Kristi!! Thank you so much for popping by and I hope you found some time to create this weekend πŸ™‚

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder β™₯ Author β™₯ Designer β™₯ TeacherΒ 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating πŸ™‚

Proud PETA Member




Why I took a social media break

Why I took a social media break

Lately, I’ve been feeling lighter, freer – more me – and I wanted to share why: I decided to take a social media break and boy, what a relief!!