How to keep art alive when you’re not feeling it!

by | Oct 26, 2021 | Creative Tips | 6 comments

Covid or no Covid…

There just seems to not be enough time during the day… 
Have you noticed how time just flies by and if you don’t make a conscious effort to create art, it just goes to the bottom of your to do list?

Honestly, not creating art makes me sad but sometimes I have so much going on, I feel like my mojo isn’t quite there…
When that happens, I still try to do SOMETHING. Because ‘something’ is better than ‘nothing’. Profound huh? 🙂

Here are some of my little ways to keep art alive when I’m not feeling it!
And by I’ll be sharing some of my top secrets projects with you soon, I promise 🙂

1. Take the pressure off

I take the pressure off myself and just let things flow by doing mindless scribbles, patterns, drips and shapes in watercolour, like these:

What I've been up to lately 1

2. Get outside (ish)

I set up a little art studio on my table outside so I can enjoy the sunshine and just ‘be’ with my art supplies…
(Click the photo below to see a quick video of my messy set up )

What I've been up to lately 2

3. Reorganise!

I don’t force myself to create if my mojo isn’t quite there. Instead, I embrace my OCD and reorganise my supplies:
(Click the photo below to see a quick video of my messy set up )

What I've been up to lately 3

4. Try something new!

I try new products and do classes from other teachers…
On the left, I tried the Art By Marlene Watercolour Brighter than Bright (NEON) and was pleasantly surprised as they really are fluorescent!!
On the right, I followed a class from Jenny Mano, part of the Life Book Taster sessions.
It was right up my alley so I can’t say it was a new style for me but it was fun to get my Neocolor II crayons out and focus on them as the main art supply for this tutorial instead of using a hundred different things 😉

What I've been up to lately 2

I hope sharing what I do has given you some ideas on how to just taking the pressure and allowing yourself to just play, experiment and…
If you are not in the mood to create, I find that simply SITTING with your supplies around you is enough to soothe your soul 🙂

I always love to hear from you so please leave me a comment below to say hi, and if you have a small way to help keeping art alive in your life, please share it below too 🙂

With Love and Sunshine,

xx Mimi Bondi


  1. Thanks for sharing Mimi. It feels good to know that I am not alone. LOL This very day I had in mind to start creating directly after breakfast. I was feeling inspired and I had the time but small chores ended up occupying my whole day and I went to bed without having created anything! It’s amazing how easily small things gets in the way. But I guess it’s all part of the process, and a part of life too, right?

    When I’m feeling stuck just spending some time around my art supplies makes the deal. Other times, I just play around with painting, watch YouTube art videos or attend online art classes .

    • Mimi Bondi

      Hey Andrea, thanks so much for your comment! Yes, it is scary how time can fly by before you can actually refocus on what you ‘really’ want to do haha Youtube videos are a good way to still stay connected with art and will definitely bring on some inspiration if you are feeling stuck – if not now at leasat for later 😉

  2. Great tips, thank you Mimi. Sometimes when I get stuck I look for creatures or patterns hidden on my scrap brush cleaning papers. Today I found a quirky bird. Was going to send a pic but not sure how.🙂

    • Mimi Bondi

      That’s a fantastic idea Jackie and a great to focus on something different! I am sorry you can’t attach files/photos in the comments section but I know what you mean 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for all these tips Mimi. I have days (many days), when I have the time, but no ideas and no mojo. I often just sit at my desk, as you suggested, with my ‘stuff’ all around me. Sometimes things start to happen, I tidy, I reorganise, this often leads to finishing an old page, or just looking in my art journals. Sometimes I get inspired to do something and sometimes I don’t, and that’s ok, I try not to get too upset about it. And there are other days when I just get so inspired and full of ideas and I wish I had more time. It’s crazy! But it all evens itself out I suppose. Thanks again Mimi.
    PS I love the storage unit for all your Distress Oxide Inks, it’s fabulous!

    • Mimi Bondi

      Thank you for your reply Maria, it’s good to hear from other people – lets me know I’m not going crazy by myself hahaha
      You are completely right, we need to accept things as they are and not get upset about not feeling it because that usually makes things worse 😛
      A little thing like finishing a page or just reorganising is… creative 🙂

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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