Want to see the ‘behind the scenes’ of my creative life?
Getting messy with paints and inks…
Playing with new and loved products…
Working on several things at the same time…
Making art for the simple joy of making art!
Let me share these secret creative moments with you 😉
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Lounge Sessions are sneak peek videos of what I do in my secondary studio (in my lounge!). My time to play and create tutorials during the day is quite limited at the moment as my Mixed Media Store is keeping me quite busy! So I created a secondary studio in my lounge room so I can play with my supplies in the evening and still be able to interact with my family (and watch tv from the corner of my eye sometimes!)… And now, I will be sharing regular videos of what I do there…
Not the best quality but… better than nothing, right?!
I’m only able to share these moments with you because I will save time NOT editing, NOT listing supplies used (most can be found in my store mixedmediastore.com.au) & NOT responding to questions… Nobody really knows how time consuming it is to creating full video tutorials with a list of supplies, instructions, photos etc until they try it out themselves haha If I’m sharing less than perfect videos with you then it leaves me more time create more videos so it’s a win-win right? Not so nice videos are better than no videos in my opinion!
So what does that mean?
That means a bit of camera wobble, not the best lighting, you may see the tripod feet sometimes, the angle may not be the best to see what everything I’m doing, and what I’m filming may not always be super exciting but… That’s just reality! I’ll do my best to show you what I’m doing as I go along and what I use but it will be minimal. If you prefer more polished videos, do check out my ‘Studio Time’ videos instead… Showing you less than polished videos goes against my slightly OCD nature but in the end, sharing is caring, right?!
My secondary studio…
I have always had my own little studio (it hasn’t always been as glamourous as it may sound!) where I paint and play and film but lately, caring for my fur baby has forced me to do almost all my work next to him. His health issues and dementia means he cannot/will not stay at my feet in my studio downstairs unfortunately so… I created a smaller, secondary studio next to him upstairs 😉 Oh, and that’s in my lounge as I’m sure you have figured out by now! Playing and experimenting with supplies, creating journal pages, art tags and so on can get pretty messy and take space, right??? Yeah… We all have that problem 🙂 So I had to create a mini version of my larger studio (I’ll do a video with more details soon) so everything fits one one desk, in one corner of the lounge – which is why the camera is placed as it is in the videos
Ok! Now you know what to expect…
Just because I can’t spend much time answering questions on the Mixed Media Lounge Sessions doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear from you! Your support means a lot and lets me know you appreciate what I do so… Please DO leave me a comment at the bottom of the page with some love and feedback, I read everything 😉
Love and Sunshine!