Choose to be happy!

by | My life as an artist | 0 comments

Choose to be happy! By Mimi Bondi

Noone’s life is ever perfect. But you already knew that, right?

There is no point aiming for constant perfection since that is such a subjective concept… What is perfect for you is completely different from what is perfect for me!

Even when everything seems great, we somehow manage to find little negative things, don’t you agree??

For example, as you may already know, I just got married (you can read all the goss about that here) to the most amazing guy and our wedding day was perfect. Or was it?
Yes, it was! The weather was just as I had hoped (warm with a little cooling breeze), we were surrounded by our loved ones (or the ones who could make it), everything went smoothly, and I managed to fit into my wedding dress even though I could have lost a few more kilos šŸ˜‰

But every now and then, a reminder of what did not go as I wanted pops into my head…Ā Ā Why did that silly organiser I paid to do a simple job choose not to follow what I clearly explained to her? Why did some of the guests I really wanted to be there, drop out at the last minute? Why did halfĀ the picture frames of our loved ones, that I was busy installing until midnight the night before the wedding, decide to fall down? Why this? What that? And so on and so on. I have many little nagging things in my head and I’m sure you can totally relate??
When they do resurface, of course my first reaction is to get angry: my body tenses up, I feel a knot in my stomach and I just want to throw a tantrum… until I realise what is going on in my head and decide to stop those negative thoughts into their tracks by refocussing on all the good things that went ”right” šŸ˜‰

Just like you, I run into annoying things (and people) and life doesn’t always go my way šŸ˜‰ But… I CHOOSEĀ to enjoy every bit of it as much as I can because I love my life and I want to make sure I know how lucky I am. And to avoid getting caught up in the flow, I remind myself every week of at least 5 things I am grateful for. This helps me refocus on what’s important to ME and giving the flick to those annoying negative thoughts!

Here’s the simple thing I do:

On the calendar app of my phone, I created an event called ”I am gratful for…” and in the description, I typed myĀ list of 5 things, which currently are (but may change):

1. I have a wonderful loving husbands who listens and supportsĀ me
2. I have a funny little dog full of personality whom I can hug to my heart’s content
3. I get to live my passion and do art all day if I want
4. I have a beautiful house full of love
5. I am surrounded by loving and caring people

Then I added a reminder so this ”event” pops up on my screen every Sunday (because it’s the most quiet day when I know I will actually take time to think and feel gratitude).

Simple, right?Ā Why not give it a go too?
Of course, negative thoughts will pop up in your headĀ but chooseĀ to ignore them as they are not helping in any way!

Let me know what you feel grateful for in the comments below šŸ™‚

With love and sunshine,



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Mimi Bondi Profile

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ā™„ Author ā™„ Designer ā™„ TeacherĀ 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating šŸ™‚

Mimi Bondi PETA Member - Protect our beautiful animals!




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