My 10 favourite things to do in Bali

by | Apr 13, 2016 | My life as an artist | 18 comments

My 10 favourite things to do in Bali!

After putting a fun video together of my Bali adventure (Did you miss my first VLOG, ”Come with me to Bali!”??? WATCH IT HERE!) I also wanted to share my 10 favourite things to do in Bali but with photos this time:

From opening my eyes wide like a kid while flying through clouds…
To the colourful craft markets of Ubud…
The refreshing wind on my face while speeding through back streets on a scooter…
Sitting by the ocean sipping on a cool drink…
Finding awesome handmade furniture and funky statues…

And so much more!!

Let me know if you enjoyed all my photos below (there are a lot!) by leaving me a little comment at the bottom of this page, I’d love to hear from you 🙂

With love and sunshine,

Mimi Bondi.


Are your bags packed? Ok… Let’s go!


Some of my favourite things to do there…

1. Book an awesome private villa from a local resident

2. Look for funky art everywhere!


3. Find beautiful places to eat at…


4. Explore!


5. Meet unusual and beautiful characters…


6. Hog a table and turn it into a mini art studio 🙂


7. Find treasures in shops packed with magical things…


8. Connect with the fascinating Balinese culture


9. Drool over gorgeous handcrafted recycled furniture!

I’m looking into importing some to Sydney – contact me if you are interested 😉


10. Pause and enjoy the present moment!


Let me know if it helped you experience what it was like for me over there by leaving me a comment below!

Love to you my Creative Friend,


Want to learn mixed media effortlessly?

My workshops show you absolutely everything, from start to finish so you can learn & build confidence in your art!

Mimi Bondi Mixed Media Workshops

BOOKS to tear up and use in your own art!

Use my collage paper books (full pages and elements) for inspiration and for collage fun in your own art!

New Secret Stash collage books-Coffee Grunge & Collage Party MIMI BONDI


  1. What a magnificent looking place it is………so many beautiful things to look at, but the most beautiful of everything was the smile on your face. So nice that you have such a wonderful husband! Thanks for sharing with us.

    • mimibondi

      Yes I am truly lucky Sharon! And thank you for appreciating my goofy face haha Glad you enjoyed my video xx

  2. The book Eat Pray Love has an interesting section on living in Indonesia. Did did you find any art supply shops where you were? Looks like you really enjoyed yourself, beautiful apartment. Wow you took a lot of art supplies with you? Great photos!

    • mimibondi

      I loved that book (and movie)! Art supplies shops are a bit hard to find there. I did find one in Bali but the selection was not very big. I took all my favourite supplies but put all my paints in tiny bottles 😉 Glad you enjoyed my adventure there!

  3. I have never went any were but if I was to go I would like to go to Bali

    • mimibondi

      I hope you can get the chance to visit one Day Margie 🙂

  4. Yes ça donne envie. Vous avez beaucoup de chance

    • mimibondi

      En effet mais il y a aussi beaucoup à voir en Europe qu’il n’y a pas dans notre coin ?

  5. What a wonderful vacation you guys must have experienced. Bali looks like a great place to go and I only wish that one day I would be able to go there myself. You two are so cute together. May you have many, many, many years together, say at least 50.

    • mimibondi

      Thanks so much Anna! It was beautiful over there and we are lucky to be only a few hours away… Here’s to the next 50 years ???

  6. Great photos, Mimi! Now I really want to visit Bali too! You and your husband are so cute together; looks like you had fun!

    • mimibondi

      I hope you get the chance to go some day! And thank you, we are a perfect match hehe ???

  7. I love these pictures!!! I’m surprised at the faces of the statues, they are so serene and calm. The furniture is so colourful, I’m not surprised you’re thinking of importing some of it! Thanks for taking us to Bali, if I could fly, I’d want to go!! – Cheryl

    • mimibondi

      Yes aren’t they so at peace?? That’s what I love to! I’m looking at getting thwt big grey one resting his face in his hand back to Sydney ☺ Glad you flew there with me!

  8. Ah mon dieu!!! I’m drooling over this magnificent get-away.
    Such a perfect tranquil and unspoiled peace of paradise and so perfect and inspirational for the artistic soul. C’est magnifique et je suis certaine, bien mérité. Can’t wait to see your new work inspired by this trip!

    • mimibondi

      Merci Gayle! ? I’m so glad that you enjoyed and felt how peaceful it is there (away from the crazy traffic!). Will show those paintings soon!!

  9. Hi Mimi, I’m so envious. Such a beautiful place You are fortunate you don’t live to far away I’m in California. Love to you and your family and I love your book and all your videos and classes. Hugs, Linda

    • mimibondi

      Thank you Linda! I visited parts of California and it’s so beautiful and you are close to wonderful places too ?. Thank you so much for your kind words! xx

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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