Feeling inspired by the colour blue? Here’s why…

by | Dec 15, 2012 | My life as an artist | 17 comments

Ask any artist about colour and they will tell you that the colour blue is one of the most inspiring colours. As you may have already noticed by looking at my art, I have been inspired by that enigmatic, soothing and electric colour blue, since day 1! It just brings inspiration I cannot explain: when I see turquoise, in particular, my eyes are instantly drawn to it!

I am pretty sure it is because I grew up in a part of France that is better know for its green forests and is far, far away from anything tropical. So when I would see photos of beaches with white sand which made the blue of the sea pop, I’d instantly imagine how wonderful it would be to be to travel to these exotic location! We always want what we can’t have and tropical islands were definitely something I never thought I could ever see 😉

So, it’s easy to see that I associated the colour blue with images of tropical seas and mystical islands, of dreams and beauty and ever since, just seeing that colour makes me feel excited and energised all of a sudden!

Actually, speaking about the ocean… This reminds me of my great friend John who returned one night from work in one hell of a bad mood due to his boss ticking him off. I suggested taking a slow walk on the soft beach sand to take his worries away and it wasn’t long before I noticed a smile appearing on his face. Always curious, I asked him what led to the sudden change in his mood and he calmly told me that the clear blue skies, the soft feel of the sand on his feet and the lovely greens and blues of the water did the trick. He then tripped and landed face down on the soft sand (Oops!). Thankfully, he didn’t lose his cool and kept on talking and walking with me 😉

You see, blue has a very calming quality and that is probably why, out of all the colours available in the rainbow, blue is the most popular one? We live in such a fast paced world, always rushing around and stressing about many things… Often worrying about things we have no control over or that haven’t even happened!

Well, as an artist, I feel that one of my goals is to take you away from that stress and to stir positive emotions in you 🙂 And, you know it, my favourite way to achieve that is to create original art with powerful colours (such as blue). And when I say blue, I mean not only turquoise but also teal, azure, cerulean, cobalt, cyan, indigo, ultramarine… there are so many shades to play with!

I can’t help it, blue sneaks in everywhere in my paintings!

And so many emotions to be felt… For example, don’t we paint the walls of our baby boys’ room in pastel blue in the hope it will create a peaceful environment for him (…meaning a good night sleep for us!)?
Doesn’t ultramarine remind you of velvet and royalty? I get a feel of elegance and depth when I use it in my art, especially when I combine it with purples or contrast it with red for a really strong impact.
And what about the teal background in a stormy sky, about to reveal its power and force onto us?

Did you know that the colour blue can even lower your blood pressure (as opposed to red!)? I certainly didn’t but when you think of what happened to my friend John, you soon get to see the cooling and soothing long-lasting effect blue can have!

Over my many years playing with paint and experimenting with colour, it has been with great enjoyment that I have discovered just what a psychological effect the colour blue can have on our emotions. I must admit that being able to create these emotions through my abstract paintings and whimsical art makes me feel a bit like a magician! I’d love to hear what effect my art has on you and if you can’t express it in words, that’s ok, just savour the moment and let it move you! Or just tell me which painting is your favourite 😉

Remember, you don’t have to live near tropical seas to feel its many benefits… Simply having a trigger (such as a painting with colours that reminds you of the beach) can be enough to take you there. That’s why I love showing my art online as it allows me to reach out to you and hopefully make you feel good. After all, we can never underestimate the power of our imagination! And it’s always free to dream 🙂

Mimi Bondi.


  1. I’m sorry Mimi. I just can’t pick a fave. I love all of them for different reasons. GAH – I adore turquoise! It’s lovely by itself or mixed with purple or green gold or quinacridone magenta or yellow or even fluorescents. I will mix it with just about anything…lol It is magical.

    • mimibondi

      No need to pick, you can love them all Kim 🙂 Turquoise really is magical, that’s why I also use it everywhere!!

  2. Thank you Mimi the inspiration and food for thought of your post today is so timely – I have been worrying such a lot this past year – I love what you do and follow your blog and YouTube channel. The lady with the butterflies is so soothing, I love it.

    • mimibondi

      Hey Patricia, glad you liked the blog post 🙂 Hope 2016 will be a more peaceful year for you! Lots of love, mimi

  3. It’s funny but blue , although I love it in the sky and sea doesn’t often make it into my art. Perhaps I’ll have to incorporate it more and see what happens. I never used gold till I did part one of no shenanigans and now I use it a lot!!! 🙂

    • mimibondi

      Hahaha Go for gold Cheryl!! There are sooo many shades of blue, I’m sure you will find one that resonates with you ?

  4. Hi Mimi:

    I love girl with the butterflies. It makes me feel relaxed and wistful. I also like the bird picture because it is unusual. I am partial to pinks but blues, as you said, are quite colors and so many shades to choose from. Thank you for sharing your art. I just love your work.

    • mimibondi

      Thank you Anna for your kind words! Yes the butterfly girl (the painting is called “Release” also males me feel relaxed and at peace ??. xx mimi

  5. Love the 4 paintings included in this blog that convey the calmness and richness of blue tones. And you made those blues sing with just the right touch of analogous and complimentary elements. I am particularly drawn to the blues towards the green range, like phthalos and turquoises. Enjoy your blogs a lot. Tes très jolies oeuvres m’inspirent énormément!

    • mimibondi

      Merci Gayle! ? I am definitely with you on the turquoise/green. My favourite colour growing up was aqua green and turquoise and this has remained true so far… There is just something indescribable about those colours!!

  6. Oh how I love blue! Anything turquoise instantly draws me eye. I have it scattered all around my house and it turns up quite regularly in my artwork. Also peacock colours, anything peacock is welcome here as well 😀

    • mimibondi

      I’m the same as you Lisa!!! Turquoise rules my life, art and home ?? Peacocks rock haha

  7. All of them are very nice, but my favorite one is the one with the girl and the butterflies. It has a feeling of calmness and dreaminess and I love that!

    • mimibondi

      Thank Sharon, so glad to hear you feel the same way I do about the butterfly girl! The painting is called Release ?

  8. Thanks, Mimi! Great thoughts to ponder. Thanks for sharing the story with us too. My favorite painting in this segment is the girl with butterflies! I love blue in its many hues.

    • mimibondi

      Thank you Donna, Lover of Blue 🙂 xx mimi

    • mimibondi

      I think she’s everyone’s favourite including me, and you are welcome! Thanks for stopping by ?

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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