Decorating ideas for your living room

by | Jan 3, 2013 | Blog - Tutorials | 0 comments

In most homes there’s one main room that all family members seem to enjoy being in during the evening. Whether it’s to watch television, play a board game or simply to sit and catch up, the living room is often the most used room in the home. When you are considering decorating ideas for a living room think about the tone you want to create and also take into account what everyone in the family likes to do.

If you’ve got a family room within the home, you may want to save the living room for entertaining guests. More and more home owners are deciding to do this and mainly it’s because they can create an elegant and sophisticated space that isn’t going to be used on a daily basis. Some great decorating ideas for a living room like this may include a leather sofa, an oak table and a few pieces of artwork. The design you hope to achieve in a formal living room should be that of opulence and only do this if your family has another spot to gather.

Small children enjoy taking their toys from room to room and if you’ve got little ones in your family, you’ll want a living room that accommodates them. Two fun decorating ideas for a living room that will be used by children is to make one area of the room kid-friendly by adding a storage unit for their toys and perhaps including a small set of chairs and a table. Although some homes have a separate room that is deemed strictly for play, many don’t and if that’s the case, you want your children to feel welcome to play in the living room.

The furniture that you choose for this central room of the home should be both attractive and functional. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are considering decorating ideas for a living room is having their heart set on one particular style or design of furniture. If you see something in a catalog or on a website that you think will look spectacular in your living room, ensure that it’s actually comfortable to sit on before you purchase it. Also consider taking measurements of the room and any furniture you already have before adding new pieces. There’s nothing worse than bringing home a new oversized chair to find it just doesn’t fit.

Choosing what goes on the walls is a very important part of the room decor too. After picking a paint color start thinking about what type of artwork you’d like to see in the room. Traditional decorating ideas for a living room would often include paintings and for a good reason! Paintings add a very personal and unique touch to your home.

It’s even better if you can get in touch with an artist who can custom make a painting to your taste and to the dimensions you need 😉


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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

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