How to start when you feel stuck in your art journal?

by | Jan 27, 2016 | Blog - Tutorials | 6 comments

Got ”fear of the blank page” or just not sure how to start?

So you have watched 35 YouTube videos in a row, looked at hundreds of art pages created by others on Facebook (including my lovely Facebook group!) and you still don’t know where, or how to start your page.

Ahhh that is so frustrating, right?? You feel like you’re not creative enough and stupid at seeing so many wonderful pages out there but not being able to come up with ONE, SINGLE, IDEA.

I get it!!! And you are not alone, and definitely not stupid. I will NOT let you BEAT YOURSELF UP.

Just like anything new you try, (sports, eating healthy, an instrument…),”starting” is the hardest part but once you feel warmed up then things usually flow, right?

This does not happen to beginner artists only you know! I may have been doing this for years but I TOO sometimes feel stuck.

The problem is that you are just ”in your head”, letting thoughts (especially negative ones) spin around and that is what is blocking you.

But, I have developed a super easy way to get myself going and warmed up and this simple exercise is perfect if you don’t know where or how to start your page, or if you just have 5 or 10 minutes to play in your art journal.

So, watch what I do and let me know if it helps by leaving me a comment below 🙂

Love to you my Creative Friend,


You do not need to know which paints or colours I used, just use what you have and what YOU like 😉

How to start in your art journal tutorial | Mimi Bondi

Want to learn mixed media effortlessly?

My workshops show you absolutely everything, from start to finish so you can learn & build confidence in your art!

Mimi Bondi Mixed Media Workshops

BOOKS to tear up and use in your own art!

Use my collage paper books (full pages and elements) for inspiration and for collage fun in your own art!

New Secret Stash collage books-Coffee Grunge & Collage Party MIMI BONDI


  1. A really helpful tutorial – I just I love these backgrounds

    • mimibondi

      So fun and easy to create, right Bernadette? I’d like to see what you create 😉

  2. Hello,
    Thanks for your video! I am great with the backgrounds, my problem is always where to go after I get the background laid. Any suggestions?

    • mimibondi

      Hey Sandy, backgrounds with multiple layers can be a final spread already. Dont feel like you HAVE TO do something on top (some of my spreads are just abstract “backgrounds”). But if you want to keep going there are just so many things you can do! Watch my videos here for lots of inspiration: ?

  3. Hi Mimi, thank you for doing this ‘How do I start’ video for us. I picked up something that I wasn’t aware of and that is between each layer of paint the page should be dried. This must allow the next layer to be put on without the colours sinking into each other and becoming a ‘splodge’ or ‘mud’. Is that right? It would explain why some of my efforts have not worked out well. Thanks again, Pauline

    • mimibondi

      Absolutely Pauline! You need to dry each layer fully before adding another to make sure nothing accidentely mix. Also, depending on what you are using, you could add a layer of gel medium to ”seal” a layer before adding more on top (for example if you are using water soluble crayons and add to want another water soluble medium on top of it without disturbing the one below) 🙂

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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