Lounge Session 18

by | Feb 11, 2019 | Lounge Sessions | 0 comments

In Lounge Session 18 I am showing how I created the smaller artwork I used in Lounge Session 15! Should I have uploaded first but I forgot 🙂

LOUNGE SESSIONS are sneak peek videos into my daily creative life, in my secondary studio (in my lounge room!)... If you love mixed media then come share these unedited moments with me!

I'm only able to share these little videos because I am cutting down on time video editing, not listing supplies used (I'll try to show you as much as possible what I'm using in the videos) and not replying to questions about the video (read the full info about how Lounge Sessions came about right here).

However, I still want to feel the love so leave me a comment below to let me know if you're finding this fun!


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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




Why I took a social media break

Why I took a social media break

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