My favourite art supplies (and where I get them from)

by | Sep 3, 2015 | Art journal love, Blog - Tutorials, My life as an artist | 16 comments

Mimi Bondi Artist, Teacher, Author

I often get asked what my favourite art supplies are and what I use in my mixed media tutorial videos and my online workshops so…

Below you will find my favourite supplies, the ones I use the most and where I get them from.

I will keep it updated whenever I find another product I really love and I hope this list will help you in some way 🙂

Love and sunshine,



Acrylic paper

Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic pad A3

Buy in Australia (does not show on website but definitely sold there)

Strathmore Journal Mixed Media Large

Art journal

Moleskine Art Plus Sketchbook 5×8.25 in

Australia: too expensive, it’s cheaper to get it from the US!

Dylusions Creative Journal Square 8×8 black


Liquitex Basics Acrylic paint

Pebeo Studio Iridescent Paint

Pebeo Studio Iridescent Paint by Pebeo

Daler Rowney FW Pearlescent Acrylic Ink


Tsukineko StazOn Stone Gray Ink Pad

Tsukineko Brilliance Starlite Silver Ink Pad

Tsukineko StazOn Royal Purple Ink Pad

Tsukineko Brilliance Galaxy Gold Ink Pad

Tsukineko StazOn Jet Black Ink Pad

Tsukineko Brilliance Moonlight White Ink Pad


Tim Holtz stencil Dot Fade


Tim Holtz stencil Bubble


Speedball Linoleum Cutter Assortment 1
Buy Here


Speedball 6x12in Speedy Carve
Buy Here



Set of 12 gel sticks

Faber and Castell 12 Count Gel Sticks with Free Brush
Buy Here



Faber-Castell Gelatos Mix & Match Set – Tropical
Buy Here


Liquitex modeling paste

Liquitex gloss medium and varnish

Liquitex matt gel medium


Sharpie Paint Marker White Extra Fine Waterbased

Sharpie Paint Marker White Medium Waterbased

Sharpie Paint Marker Black Extra Fine Waterbased

Sharpie Paint Marker Black Medium Waterbased


  1. I just received the No Shenanigans book as a gift and it says I need a black and a gold 2.5mm nib marker can you recommend a brand and where to find them please, I am not having much luck.

    • Mimi Bondi

      Hey Kerry, what a lovely present 😉 I recommend either Sharpie or Posca, both available at the Mixed Media Store but you could use paint or whatever you have! Just follow what’s in No Shenanigans as ”a guide”, there are no hard rules xx

  2. Just finished reading your book ‘No Shenanigans’ & am so inspired & so anxious to get started. I must confess though that I plan to de-construct your book & pumch holes to bind it on a binder ring so I can flip it easier. I plan to have a paintbrush in one hand & be flipping the pages with the other hand so I’m hoping the binder ring method works as I envision it will. Thank you so very much for the way you broke down all the steps. I’m not gonna go in book order; I’ve gotta try the bird painting. I want my version hanging on my wall soon 😁

    • Mimi Moret

      Thank you for getting my book Theresa! Great idea to put it on a ring binder, much easier to flip through 🙂 You could also rip the pages and put them into plastic sleeves in your binder if punch holes lend on text or important details 😉 Have fun and I hope to see your creations from the book in the Tribe xx mimi

  3. This is the very good list of art supplies. Thanks for sharing.

    • mimibondi

      I’m glad you found it helpful Emily 🙂

  4. Hello Mimi, I appreciate the list of art supplies you love. I am having trouble finding a black pen or ultra fine tip black marker that I can doodle with on acrylics. Do you have a favorite?

    • mimibondi

      Hi Elida, I just updated the list with my favourite markers and pens which work for me when doodling over (smooth) acrylic 😉

  5. Hi Mimi, I discovered your work on You tube yesterday. I have spent most of today on You tube and your website, lucky its Sunday. I have been very inspired by what I have been seeing, and not just by your wonderful art but your lovely, bubbly personality. I’m 72, always wonted to paint, but alas I cannot draw to save myself. About six years ago I joined a small group of women who painted for the joy of painting. I struggled to do what they were doing, coping from a photo or picture. I somehow made my way to a more Organic way of using paint, and have been happily doing that since. I will be trying your way this week. Thank you. Kind regards Lorraine

    • mimibondi

      Hi Lorraine, I cannot draw to save myself (or you) either and I don’t like copying things from a photo either so, I hear you! I think you will find the way I paint a lot more intuitive and fun because there are no rules. The free tutorials on my site/YouTube do not explain too much so if you are after detailed step-by-step instruction, please do check my e-course and book here: They will help you create 6 different paintings from start to finish, even if you have never painted before 🙂 I really hope you get inot it Lorraine as this is sooo fun and liberating! Feel free to join my support group on Facebook as well for inspiration and, support 😉 Love to you, mimi (PS: did you know Lorraine is the name of the region I am from in France?)

  6. Have watched so many Art Journal how to vids and though I was really attracted to having a go, it all looked too hard…. Then I found yours, yippee now that looks like something I could do. Ordered your book off Amazon, it’s a wet weekend and I’m going for it. Thank you for covering all aspects of your beautiful work.

    • mimibondi

      So awesome to hear Gay!! That’s exactly what I created my book and e-course for. I know how what it’s like to feel daunted and I made sure to detail every step of the way so you never feel that way again 😉 If you haven’t already, make sure to join the private Facebook support group to post photos of your work and ask questions:

  7. Hi Ms. Mimi, In your Studio Time 1 tutorial, where did you get the leafy stencil or do you know who makes it? I can’t find one like it and would appreciate any guidance.
    Thanks so much for all your time and efforts.

    • mimibondi

      Hi Teresa, pretty sure it was from the crafters workshop but I can’t remember the name ?. You could also make your own stamp with a similar design like I did!

  8. Your list of supplies is very helpful and I will be taking them with me as I look for art supplies. It is pretty overwhelming when you first begin so this list helps enormously. Thank you very much for your generosity.

    • mimibondi

      I am so glad I could help and give you a starting point Gail! Don’t feel like you have to buy everything though but these are definitely the ones I use the most 😉 Although… If you do get the book or e-course, you will see how much awesome art you can create with very few supplies as I created them for beginners who don’t have a lot of stuff yet!

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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