Studio Time 11 – ”What if I Fall” (quote in an art journal)

by | Aug 23, 2015 | Blog - Tutorials | 2 comments

Do you want to incorporate words or a quote in an art journal?

I don’t know about you but I often find inspiration in words.
Being a very visual person, images speak to me first and I couldn’t agree more with the old proverb of ”a picture paints a thousand words” but sometimes, a quote can also paint a pretty picture 😉

When I came across these few words by Erin Hanson: “What if I fall? Oh my darling, but what if you fly?”, I just felt stunned!

How can 12 simple little words express so much? To me, they convey the idea of pushing past obstacles and believing in one’s dreams… Feeling the fear and going for it anyway… Feeling supported and encouraged by loved ones…

So I grabbed my art journal, sat at my studio table and off I went with those words in my head!

Let me know if this video tutorial inspires you to add a quote in an art journal and what you think of how I mixed words with other elements and mediums to create a cohesive and pretty page – leave me a comment below!


Supplies used:
– Hand carved stamps by Yours Truly (Learn how to carve stamps in my workshop here!)
Stazon ink pad Stone Gray
Liquitex Basics quinacridone magenta, cadmium yellow deep hue, cadmium yellow light hue, light blue permanent, brilliant purple, bright aqua green, light blue violet
– Reeves rose madder and Deep turquoise + Sullivans lime green
White gesso
Thin & thick black markers (I used a 0.7mm/1.3mm black Posca)
White gel pen (I used Uniball Signo ”angelic colour”)
Thick white marker (I used Uni Chalk Marker in white)
Jo Sonja opal dust
Joggles Circular Argument stencil
– The Crafters Workshop Diamonds stencil
– Heidi Swapp Heart Cluster stencil

Check out my favourite art supplies here!

Studio Time 11 - free mixed media art journal tutorial with Mimi Bondi

Studio Time 11 - free mixed media art journal tutorial with Mimi Bondi

Studio Time 11 - free mixed media art journal tutorial with Mimi Bondi

Want more? My book and e-course are perfect for any beginner wanting to create their own paintings and learn mixed media art… Find out more here!

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  1. Oh my dear friend….I kept holding my breath for you each time the camera decided to get tired and fall asleep. I’m thinking it was the cherry on top of your already challenging day! Such a lovely journal inspiration for me, as we r both sharing some frustrations in life. You make it look so easy as you just seemlessly flow from your heart:) And the colors and layers…..fantastic! Please know it is only tooth picks in your road…little speed bumps to slow us down, just a smidgen, so we remember to take time to smell the roses, no matter what:) Hope your day is fantastic today and your teasing of your new book, class is very enticing!

    • mimibondi

      Ah thank you lovely Peg! Yes, silly camera hahaha I am so glad to hear these pages have inspired you 🙂 I think the key is not to think too much, don’t you? 🙂 Take care!!

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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