Believe in Pink – Free mixed media workshop (Studio Time 29)

by | Jun 28, 2016 | Blog - Tutorials | 0 comments

Believe in Pink! Audrey Hepburn did 😉

Today I wanted to give you a completely free workshop called “Believe in Pink”!
The inspiration came from one of Audrey Hepburn’s awesome quotes (she has many!) that reads:

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. 
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. 
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the pretties girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”

I find this quote so honest, feminine and vulnerable. Its simplicity and truth is what really appeals to me here!
It’s such a beautiful quote that I wanted it to be my main focal element, with nothing else distracting from the words.

So… Follow me in this new mixed media workshop where I show you step by step how I put this quote center stage!

Adapt the ideas and techniques to the length of the words that inspire you and your favourite colours/supplies and…
Show me what you created by posting a photo in the private Facebook support group here!

Love to you my Creative Friend,


Supplies used:

  • Galeria A3 acrylic art pad
  • Liquitex Basics Medium Magenta, Primary Red, Brilliant Purple, Deep Violet, Light Blue Permanent + white
  • Pebeo Studio Iridescent Gold
  • Stamp Kaisercraft “Flourish”
  • Inkpad Stazon Stone Gray
  • White Sharpie Marker
  • Black Posca Pen 1mm

Free mixed media workshop ''Believe in Pink''| Mimi Bondi

Free mixed media workshop ''Believe in Pink''| Mimi Bondi

I ended up adding more to my painting (see below) than what I showed in the workshop as I wanted to give you a simple way to start and use a quote/poem as your main focal element. After that, it’s up to you to decorate even further if you wish!

Free mixed media workshop ''Believe in Pink''| Mimi Bondi

Do you love using quotes in your art journal?

Or do you want to use a quote but are not sure where to find inspiring words or how to place them on your page? Click below for a full post with everything I know and can think of to help you 😉

Art journal quote: why use one, how to create and find one for your art journal! Mimi Bondi

Want to learn mixed media effortlessly?

My workshops show you absolutely everything, from start to finish so you can learn & build confidence in your art!

Mimi Bondi Mixed Media Workshops

BOOKS to tear up and use in your own art!

Use my collage paper books (full pages and elements) for inspiration and for collage fun in your own art!

New Secret Stash collage books-Coffee Grunge & Collage Party MIMI BONDI


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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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