Mixed media art tag tutorial 1 – Studio Time 45

by | Mar 15, 2017 | Blog - Tutorials | 6 comments

Mixed media art tag tutorial

Well my friends, turning a humble shipping tag into a mixed media art tag could become an addiction indeed!
I know they have been around for a while and I have seen tons of beautiful creations but…
It has taken me until now to create my own!

I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it at first because of the small format but that’s what actually makes them so fun, right?!

Let me show you the first ever mixed media art tag I created (you will also see it at the start of the video):

Mixed media art tag by Mimi Bondi

In this fun experiment, I mostly used Dylusions Paint, deco foil in Summer Rainbow colours (oh that shine!!), Silver Liquid Pearls, Pebeo Iridescent Paint, a chicken wire stencil – all supplies you can get in my shop: https://mixedmediastore.com.au 😉

Then I decided to create a second tag and to film my process for you so, here we go!!

Steps to create my mixed media art tag:

  1. I started with leftover paint (from my 1st art tag!) over a background already covered in gesso
  2. I filled in my blank areas with a little turquoise paint, then lime green which complement the lovely Dylusions purple 🙂
  3. For a really contrasting element, I used my wave stencil and red paint – Applying paint through a stencil with your fingers ensures that it will NOT look neat, which is what I wanted here…
  4. Next, a little iridescent gold paint so I can have some shine peaking through my layers later on.
  5. I have a new favourite stamp called Stitched Circles, which I show you in detail in the video… Isn’t it cool?? You can use all rings at the same time or just 1, or 2, or 3! Love the stitched details 🙂
  6. Then a little finer painting with light turquoise paint, magenta and bright sunny yellow…
    At this stage I’m not sure I’m liking what I have done but I’ll push on as it can only get better!
  7. I’m adding a focal point with one of my hand carved stamps and dark grey ink…
  8. … Which I highlight a bit more with a black Inktense pencil and a water brush, and white dots around the leaves.
  9. A few sun rays around my circles make this design come alive a little more and I’m done!

Watch the video tutorial below and let me know your thoughts on this with a comment below (scroll down to the bottom of the page) as I always love to hear from you!

With love and sunshine,
Mimi Bondi

Art supplies used:
(click on blue links if you want to buy the same ones)

Mixed media art tag tutorial by Mimi Bondi

Mixed media art tag tutorial by Mimi Bondi

Want to learn mixed media effortlessly?

My workshops show you absolutely everything, from start to finish so you can learn & build confidence in your art!

Mimi Bondi Mixed Media Workshops

BOOKS to tear up and use in your own art!

Use my collage paper books (full pages and elements) for inspiration and for collage fun in your own art!

New Secret Stash collage books-Coffee Grunge & Collage Party MIMI BONDI


  1. This is absolutely stunning…love all the touches of our Deco Foil product on there! And I agree… Summer Rainbow is one of my favorite foil colors too! Have you heard about our new Deco Foil Transfer Gel?? I would love to have you try that!

    • mimibondi

      Thank you Julia! I have not heard about the transfer gel and I’m afraid I have not seen in Oz yet… I’d love to try it out one day and if it works well, sell it in my shop at https://mixedmediastore.com.au – Let me know how to get my hands on some 😉

  2. I have done a few tags in the past but they sure didn’t look as good as yours do. Great job, as usual and thanks for the video.:)

    • mimibondi

      I don’t believe that Sharon! But thank you 😉

  3. Love it Mimi xx

    • mimibondi

      Thanks Sharon!! 🙂

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

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