The Psychology of Colour (1)

by | Jun 22, 2014 | My life as an artist | 0 comments

I have always been fascinated by colours and how they affect us! I already wrote a post about why we feel inspired by the colour blue but there is just so much to explore I thought I would do a bit more research about the impact of colour in different areas of our lives, starting with one of the most important ones: our homes!

But… while I tried to focus on our home environment, I realised it was just impossible to separate it from life in general!


A starting point

Obviously, it’s your home and you should paint it whichever colour makes you happy! For example, I have a deep purple feature wall in my bedroom with red accents, a turquoise feature wall in my dining room and my kitchen is brighten up with orange and pink tiles… I know it sounds crazy, but it works because I wanted my kitchen to be fun and my bedroom more moody and romantic 😉 Yes, this is an artist’s home!

Colour tricks to make you feel smart has 20 ways to use colour psychology in your home such as:

  • making your home look larger by using vibrant colours and avoiding white, especially when it’s time to sell your house
  • thinking of colours that you loved as a child and using them at home to bring back memories
  • surrounding yourself with pink in the area where  you want to relax and meditate

Let’s have a closer look at the warm colours…



  • Stimulates us
    Just like the blood flowing through our veins, red is synonym with life. A touch of red here and there really makes things pop! Just looking around my studio right now, the first thing I see is the red I used last night on a canvas and it makes me think ”wow”!
  • Can mean danger
    Think of fire (ouch), fire trucks (oh nooo!), the huge ”turn back wrong way” signs on the other side of the highways in Australia (if you see one quite close then you are likely to see more red shortly after!). It can elevate your heart rate so avoid it if you have high blood pressure!
  • Makes us feel passionate and warm all over!
    Use it in your bedroom for a real kick to your senses but makes sure to turn off the lights afterwards or you’ll never sleep! I have small touches of red in mine (small accessories and pillowcases) for a hint of passion instead of a reminder of ”Nightmare on Elm Street”… been shivering from that one since I was 13 😉
    Being a warm colour it also means that it brings the ”walls together” so painting a whole room red will make it feel much smaller, but also cosier at the same time.
  • May make you angry
    When I think of my dad’s face when he is angry, one colour comes to mind straight away 😉 Because red is also used to represent anger, warning, danger, be cautious with it! It is better to use deep reds and small amount of it than painting your whole house fire engine red or I promise you will never sleep again!


  • Brings sunshine, yay!
    I hope you feel the same way but, yellow means happiness to me. I see the sun, I feel happy… I feel its warmth, I am happy 🙂
    Although I do not wear yellow because I’m so pale it makes me look really washed out (eeek), I love using it with paint. One of my studio wall is painted with the brightest shade of yellow and that makes me feel excited whenever I walk in the room. Even on grey rainy days!
  • Will stimulate your thoughts and ideas
    Use it where you brain storm and create, whether it is your office where you need to solve problems, your studio where you try out new things or your kitchen. I’m sure your kids would always associate good memories with yellow if you often bake them cookies in your yellow kitchen 😉
  • Can be overwhelming
    Of course, too much bright yellow will make your eyes pop so I suggest either painting just one feature wall in a room (not all 4 walls) or bringing in lots of yellow accessories… think cushions, decorative objects, flowers… I installed a funky sun shaped ceiling light from Ikea in my secondary bathroom and it makes that time room so cheerful 😉
    A pale yellow is also a great alternative to bring sun in your home without needing sunglasses!


  • Is the warmest colour
    Although yellow and red ”feel” warm, most people feel orange is the warmest of them all. I can’t think of too many occurrences of orange in nature other than in fruits but muted oranges such as terracotta instantly take me on holiday to Spain and Italy where it is used a lot (check out these beautiful terracotta dishes and pots).
  • Brings on positivity and fun
    Just ask kids if they like orange. I think I know the answer 😉 Touches of orange really make a room feel funky but don’t combine it with brown unless you want to be taken back to the retro area. And oranges are full of vitamin C, that means energy and good vibes!
  • Will ignite your senses and appetite
    Delight your senses by using orange touches in your kitchen or dining room, or just cooking ”orange dishes” like this yummy orange salad recipe.
  • Can help fight sickness!
    I haven’t tested this but orange is said to help fight depression by bring changes in our biochemical structure, and low self-esteem. says “that is has been shown to be beneficial in chronic bronchitis, and due to is anti-spasmodic effect, helps in muscle spams and cramp”. Interesting…


Click here to read part 2!


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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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Why I took a social media break

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