A is for ART mixed media project tutorial ST41

by | Jan 18, 2017 | Blog - Tutorials | 2 comments

A mixed media project to start the new year!

Do you have mixed media project ideas whirling around in your head?
I certainly hope so because one of my main ones is the opening of my own mixed media supplies store so I can supply you with all the cool mixed media supplies you need! The store is up and running right now so make sure to check it out at mixedmediastore.com.au 🙂

Today I am working on these funky papier mache letters that I pre-primed with white gesso. These will be awesome to decorate my studio and new art shop!

I don’t know why but I actually started with the letter R first (I show you a sneak peak in the video) and although this is the process video for A… Don’t worry, R (and T) will come soon 😉

Ok let’s get to that mixed media project!

  1. I started applying some turquoise with a brush, then purple then red
  2. Once dry, I sponged some bright yellow with a chicken wire stencil (ooh, what a lovely contrast!!).
    A little bit on the front and each side…
  3. Next, I used Dina Wakley’s lovely Vine stencil to add some interest, using white paint to make things pop!
    Again, some on the front, and some on the sides 😉
  4. Let’s now add some stamped details using dark purple ink but with a rubber stamp mat! These things are originally made for polymer clay and I have a few I used to make pretty clay jewellery with, so much fun! But after getting into mixed media, “I couldn’t help but wonder…” 🙂
    And yes, these textured mats stamp beautifully with a sharp impression and since they are flexible, you can bend them to squeeze into small areas. I have been stamping with them for years so I recommend them highly!
  5. Then more stamping (with a regular stamp this time) using these cool circles with fine texture in the middle and silver ink as I want to add subtle details…
  6. More details with tiny lime green dots (oops that part isn’t shown as my camera stopped filming)…
  7. Then let’s bring everything together with a little pink paint rubbed in by hand 🙂
  8. And finally, I applied a little iridescent gold on edges and in patches here and there, love!
  9. A bit OCD I know, since nobody will see that but, I also painted the ‘feet’ and back with black paint for a professional finish.

I’m very happy now with how my funky mixed media project is coming along 😉

Watch the video tutorial below and let me know your thoughts on this with a comment below (scroll down to the bottom of the page) as I always love to hear from you!

With love and sunshine,
Mimi Bondi


Art supplies used:
(click on blue links if you want to buy the same ones)

A is for ART | Mixed media project tutorial with Mimi Bondi

A is for ART | Mixed media project tutorial with Mimi Bondi

A is for ART | Mixed media project tutorial with Mimi Bondi

Want to learn mixed media effortlessly?

My workshops show you absolutely everything, from start to finish so you can learn & build confidence in your art!

Mimi Bondi Mixed Media Workshops

BOOKS to tear up and use in your own art!

Use my collage paper books (full pages and elements) for inspiration and for collage fun in your own art!

New Secret Stash collage books-Coffee Grunge & Collage Party MIMI BONDI


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!!! I love how easily your projects come together for you.

    • mimibondi

      Lots of work and practice Kellie 😉 Thanks for popping by!

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Mimi Bondi Artist Australia

Hi there, I'm Mimi!

Artist of Wonder ♥ Author ♥ Designer ♥ Teacher 
My style is vibrant, whimsical, expressive, full of positive energy!
From layering to collaging, throwing ink around, painting with my fingers…
To creating digital art… my creativity has no bounds!
I hope to share with you the joy and peace I experience when creating 🙂

Proud PETA Member




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